We will be representing Wales while at the congress, so any ideas what we can take/make/share would be great so that all the big conferences don't get all the attention. Kandice has mentioned that we could make Welsh cakes for the market day, so we'll need her baking skills :P We should have our own tees, even more than one if you're all up for it. Here's a suggestion on updating the old 'Cariad' tee that we used in summer '07, that didn't have the bible verse on the back. Please join in with your comments...I'm feeling like the lone dancer from the video, you'll all join in soon I'm sure :)
I've heard that their is a meal for the men on Sunday. I should be around for that so I'll probably talk to you in more detail about this then. It's a great idea to have our own t-shirts though. Not only does it give us identity and a souvenier, but it also gives us a way of getting a message, that we feel passionately about, across to others. Like I said, I'll speak to you about it again. I know someone who knows someone who does tee-shirt printing (tedious link, I know!) so maybe I could work something out cheap if we all bought cheap MATCHING tees each haha.
Cool, lookin forward to gearing about this printing deal :) I also thought we could customise some tees so that we can spell out a word when standing together (depends on how many are going I guess). Anyone else have ideas?
Definitely do some t-shirts!! This is my first comment on a blog so you know I feel strongly about this :)
Wow, even Ffi is commenting. There's no excuse for anyone else not to join in now :)
(I'm writing this separate to my account to show that anyone can join in the discussion. All you have to do is choose 'Name/url' in the 'choose identity section'.
Use your name of give yourself a nickname and you don't have to put a 'url' in.)
Back to the topic, since the Welsh scarves the Rob and his family made were so popular way back in camporee, do you think we could make bandanas or scarves to sell or share with the other countries?
I forgot about the gang link, but a bandana sounds quite useful.
Here's some instructionsMake a Bandana
I into the t-shirt idea, what about a red/welsh flag colour version, and something Biblical in Welsh (like the version above) that represents the youth?
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