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Tuesday, March 31
New front gates to Church
Hi everybody! Hope you're all well.
Eifion and myself went to church today and started to paint the front gates of Swansea Church
(watch out for photos of Jo on top of the roof!!). We cleaned them already from Sundays big cleaning day.We decided to paint them black.

Thursday, March 26
Meeting notes
Here's my attempt to sum up my thoughts from the last youth meeting. I thought it would be interesting to share this just in case it brought back or started some interesting thoughts for you. It's not very tidy (I hardly ever am) but I'm realising that I remember more by doodling than by sitting still and listening. (If nothing else, at least you can see that I was scribbling away in the corner and not playing hangman :)
This meeting was for the start of the 'Youth Week of Prayer'. I'd love to see others sharing their notes / ideas like this. After all, you must have better hand writing than me! :)

Friday, March 20
Monday, March 16
Silly money

I hope this makes you feel better about the silliness we shared on Friday night, especially about telling all those old stories :)
It's not much but it's nice to think that in a small way we helped add to the amazing £57+million pounds raised so far.
Check out Red Nose Day 2009 for information on all the amazing projects funded in the UK and Africa. You can also catch up on how other people did 'something funny for money'.
Thursday, March 12
Wednesday, March 11
Sunday sports

We'll post the times on this blogs calendar so everyone can keep up to date. Comment if you want to try out other sports and if you know of another place to play in the Swansea area.
Thanks Lily for the photo (there's a video to show, but I think it'll need some selective editing to make us look skilled :) )
Monday, March 9
Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace
Let's have some music
All media is property of respective owners. If you like it buy Chris Tomlin's album.
All media is property of respective owners. If you like it buy Chris Tomlin's album.
Noah's Ark
Dutchman Johan Huibers is building a working replica of Noah's Ark as a testament to his Christian faith.
The 47-year-old from Schagen, 45km (30 miles) north of Amsterdam, plans to set sail in September through the interior waters of the Netherlands.
Johan's Ark is a fifth of the size of Noah's and will carry farmyard animals.
Mr Huibers, who plans to open the vessel as a religious monument and zoo, hopes the project will renew interest in Christianity in the Netherlands.
Although Mr Huibers has tried to remain true to the ark described in the Bible, Johan's Ark is constructed with American cedar and Norwegian pine, rather than "gopher wood".
The total cost of the project is estimated to be just under 1m euros (£0.7m; US$1.2m) and was funded with bank loans.
Thursday, March 5
Newport Youth day 09
Newport youth day was a great day. It started off with most of the youth all gathered in the Pastors office in the back, but then when the Bristol youth came we had to go into the youth hall. There were youth all together from Carmarthen, Swansea, Cardiff ,Newport and Bristol. Eifion gave his first talk and his topic was on the bigger picture, a very interesting talk he gave as well. After lunch all the youth went to the park for a walk as it was a lovely warm day,it felt more like June than February! After the walk we had an afternoon programme where we had worship songs, musical items from the Bristol choir and Newport groups and from the Newport Drama group. It ended with a Who wants to be a millionaire game style where team A had got up to the £32,000 mark and team B only to the £1000 mark. It was quite a tight game, where the congregation had to answer multiple choice Bible questions.
Wednesday, March 4
Looking back to go forward
To start this blog off, let's look back to fun we had during Summer '07. Youth from Minnesota came all the way to Swansea to show us how to run a Bible school that the local children really loved. I hope this brings back some great memories and gives us inspiration to get back to being active in the community.
Thanks to Pastor Benji for the video.
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