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Sunday, August 30

The Good News According To Rob Bell

Some people went to Greenbelt yesterday (Christian festival at Cheletenham racecourse). Many were hoping to see Rob Bell from Mars Hill give his 'Drops like stars' talk. Unfortunately this weekend was his only visit to the UK this year, so the large indoor venue was packed out before many had a chance to queue. He is very popular with youth groups across the world due to the simple, clear and well made NOOMA video series (now renamed Flannel). Luckily this afternoon I happened to find this amazing little video of him summing up Christianity. Serendipity is wonderful, since I was simply searching for new web themes at the time.

I hope your eyes are opened by this. If you want to find out more about what he's saying follow the links above for info. There are also free podcasts (link changed, thanks to Lon).
Or better yet, grab a Bible and read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for yourself. There's nothing better than going to the good book and praying for guidance.


Lon said...

thanks for the video clip.

the podcast you linked is for a different mars hill church - for bell's you can check out

Eif said...

You're very welcome!
Thanks for the info, I'll update the link now.