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Monday, March 9

Noah's Ark

Dutchman Johan Huibers is building a working replica of Noah's Ark as a testament to his Christian faith.

The 47-year-old from Schagen, 45km (30 miles) north of Amsterdam, plans to set sail in September through the interior waters of the Netherlands.

Johan's Ark is a fifth of the size of Noah's and will carry farmyard animals.

Mr Huibers, who plans to open the vessel as a religious monument and zoo, hopes the project will renew interest in Christianity in the Netherlands.

Although Mr Huibers has tried to remain true to the ark described in the Bible, Johan's Ark is constructed with American cedar and Norwegian pine, rather than "gopher wood".

The total cost of the project is estimated to be just under 1m euros (£0.7m; US$1.2m) and was funded with bank loans.



Eif said...

it's only a 'fifth' of the size of the original?! Wow, I didn't realise it was that big. The people thought it was silly, but building something that big must have gained everyones attention.

Eif said...

I checked the website, and he's already started building a full size version of the ark! Mainly just him and his son, sounds crazy but it's definitely getting people talking :)